Hello there!
My name is Lawrence.

I have a big heart. I care deeply about other people and the planet. I wish for all beings everywhere to be happy and free from suffering.

I have always been a seeker of self-awareness and worldly knowledge, all in the service of equanimity and wisdom.

I am a fountain of ideas, a creative being who loves a good project, be it with my head, hands or guitar. Whatever the work, I bring good vibes and plenty of optimism.

Professionally, I bring people together to strategize, create and celebrate for the benefit of all beings. I’ve studied ecology, spent time at local environmental agencies and social good startups, and founded CivicMakers, a leading civic design firm. I am a seasoned executive, deft strategist, master facilitator, and trusted project manager.

I am also an Eagle Scout, a loving husband and father, a musician, a meditator, and much more. I love birds, bicycles, blueberries and songs of all stripes.

I also love hearing good ideas, so please say hello!

I don’t know anyone else who can so effortlessly blend playfulness and humor, authenticity and raw emotion, and serious rigor and perseverance. Lawrence is truly one of a kind!

~ Cristelle Blackford, Business Partner

If you’d like to learn more…

Please peruse these pages which capture some elements of my life and work. I hope you enjoy!


What kind of change do I hope to see in the world? What services do I offer? What’s it like to work with me?


I have sang and played guitar in many different contexts over the years. Listen to some of my original music here!

If you are curious about my professional history, check out my “course of life” (or Curriculum Vitae in Latin).

And finally, some ideas…

Asset Mapping for Systems Change

Asset mapping is a process of identifying and cataloging the resources, skills, and strengths that exist within a community, organization or ecosystem. It involves creating an inventory of the various assets that a community possesses, including physical assets, economic assets, human assets, social assets, cultural assets and more. The goal of asset mapping is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the existing resources within a community, which can then be leveraged for community development initiatives.

Bioregionalism: Coming home to place, connection, and mutuality

Bioregionalism is a philosophy that empowers improved coordination to address the polycrisis in ways that are hopeful, sustainable, democratic, and grounded in place, culture and ecology. Rather than abstract political boundaries, bioregionalism calls for the recognition of natural boundaries and ecosystems, along with human culture and inhabitation patterns, as the foundation for governance and economy. In doing so, bioregionalism encourages the developed world to reevaluate the way we organize ourselves and relate to each other and our place.

Humanity needs positive, long term futures, now

If humanity, even a small part of it, is unable to envision positive futures to guide our lives and actions, we're unlikely to ever live them.  We must break free from this downward spiral of negativity and shift our societal perspective on the future.  By allowing ourselves to dream beyond perceived limitations, we open the door to possibilities. Imagination, freed from constraints, plants the seed for potential positive futures.